Thursday, October 18, 2007

NeoMedia Launches Optical Messaging Service

NeoMedia Technologies, the global leader in camera-initiated transactions for wireless devices, is proud to announce the launch of its ground-breaking Optical Messaging Service.

Through the company's patented products and services, NeoMedia enables traditional one-way media such as print, packaging, labels, outdoor and broadcast TV, to generate incremental revenue from their existing offerings through interactive advertising business models. NeoMedia does so by enabling camera phones to directly connect consumers to brand advertisers using a barcode embedded in an advertisement of any kind. NeoMedia's patented platform also ensures that the two-way transactions are reliably completed, controlled, recorded, and billed. The platform ensures that all parties involved in the transaction are accurately compensated by predefined business rules.

NeoMedia's Optical Messaging Service consists of three core components:

* NeoMedia Optical Messaging provides end-to-end solutions for producing, reading and processing optical codes for wireless transactions.

* NeoMedia Access Technology is a complete suite of products including award winning software and hardware for reading and scanning barcodes in the mobile environment.

* NeoMedia Resolution Services provide a robust and reliable set of services and applications behind its Optical Messaging Service.

Through NeoMedia's complete solution, Media companies, Consumers, Businesses, Wireless Operators, and OEMs can harness wireless networks to perform commerce more efficiently and securely. Using camera enabled mobile phones, barcode-reading software (NeoReader) and an interoperable billing, clearing, and settlement infrastructure (NeoServer - OMS/OMI), NeoMedia embraces open standards, full interoperability, and is barcode symbology agnostic. The company's main purpose is to ensure that all transactions requested by end users work as intended, all parties are compensated correctly, and that the technology achieves mass-adoption.

NeoMedia's mobile phone technology, NeoReader, reads and transmits data from 1D and 2D barcodes to its intended destination. The company's Optical Messaging and interchange platforms (OMS and OMI) create, connect, record, and transmit the transactions embedded in the 1D and 2D barcodes, like web URLs, text messages (SMS), and telephone calls - ubiquitously and reliably. NeoMedia provides the industrial and carrier-grade infrastructure to enable reliable, scalable, and billable commerce.

NeoMedia stands out from its competition by embracing existing and developing standards for wireless and barcode technologies, and provides a global infrastructure to resolve these barcodes across multiple wireless providers. NeoMedia also creates the necessary technology to read barcodes presented on phone displays for redemption at points of sale and ticket counters. In doing so, NeoMedia enables a seamless, secure, and industry leading platform for mobile commerce, advertising, and communication.

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